6 Tools That Will Make Your Site Faster

Nowadays hardly anybody has time anymore. We’re hectically running from one task to the next meaning that wasting time is not an option. The same is inadvertently then applied to browsing. With the evolution of smartphones and fast internet connections, we’re constantly online, and when you consider the amount of content that’s available, it’s easy to see why the need for fast service is essential.

You won’t waste your time waiting for anything, because just a few clicks away there’s someone who’s offering the same content, product, and/or service, but is faster at delivering that information to you.

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HostArmada Hosting Review

For your website to be accessible on the World Wide Web it first has to be hosted on a server. One great company that provides services of this sort is HostArmada. And in this article, we will cover all it can offer to its customers.

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Impress Clients With a Custom Coming Soon Page for WordPress

Customizing a business’s online image is important for numerous reasons. Largely, this customization falls under the branding strategy and helps an entrepreneur or their company be seen as a recognizable and reliable player on the market.

Additionally, branding makes a company look more professional and more attractive to potential customers. In other words, many of the prospects will more easily turn into customers once the company has set up a well-rounded brand.

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How to Disable, Enable & Modify the WordPress Maintenance Page

The built-in WordPress maintenance page is not user friendly. There’s no button to turn it off or on, and there’s no GUI to modify it. It’s basically built in a way so that users don’t know it exists. Here’s a simple guide to disabled, enabled, and modify the default WP maintenance page.

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Why Userway Does Not Make Your WordPress Website Accessible

Small business owners love the simplicity combined with expandable functions and features of WordPress. But the more features your website provides, the more does it put you at risk of violating the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) and other regulations and laws in your country.

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How to Improve the Speed of phpBB Forums

There are several ways to speed up your phpBB board/forum, and before I jump into the technicalities, I highly recommend a review of how your server resources are being consumed. Next, I would like you to do a quick web load test.

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WP Reset User Testimonial – Paul Charlton from WPTuts

Continuous improvement is everyone’s main goal. But how do you know what works and what needs improvement? Ask your customers! We did just that, and we are sharing the interview with Paul Charlton, the mastermind behind WPTuts, in full!

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Top 5 CMS Detection Tools That Can Recognise What CMS a Site is Using

Before choosing a hosting company and deciding on the best server for your website, you want to be sure of the most supportive CMS for the site features and structure. While a handful of developers would make recommendations on what CMS to use, it’s ideal to closely investigate the technology profile of similar successful websites. And fortunately, achieving this is quite easily using CMS detection tools.

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Introduction to Using UTM Parameters

UTM tags (or parameters) provide details about how each visitor that has been referred from another page landed on your website. Google Analytics (and other analytics software) categorize each traffic source by parsing these tags. With this information, you can optimize your site & campaigns for better conversions.

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How to Bulk Install Plugins

Looking for ways to bulk install plugins in WordPress? Of course, the most common method is to use WP-CLI, which is not that easy and scares most people. It’s quite technical and requires an understanding of how command-line works. Thankfully there’s a much easier way of installing dozens of plugin with one click.

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