As cybersecurity becomes a top priority for all organisations, regardless of size, small companies often find themselves vulnerable to cyber attacks due to limited resources and knowledge. Hackers target these businesses as attractive opportunities to exploit weaknesses and steal critical data. To safeguard their operations and consumer information, small companies must be vigilant against common cybersecurity blunders and take proper precautions. This is where tools like VPN could help. For instance, ExpressVPN can be a good option for small businesses as it’s easy to install and use and users don’t have to have an extensive knowledge of the technology to use it properly. By leveraging VPN technology and the following practices outlined in the article, companies can strengthen their cybersecurity defences, ensuring safer online interactions and protecting sensitive data from potential breaches.

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  1. Neglecting Regular Software Updates

One of the most common cybersecurity blunders made by small organisations is forgetting to update their software regularly. Operating systems, software, and outdated security updates generate substantial vulnerabilities that hackers may readily exploit. Cybercriminals’ strategies are continuously evolving, so firms must stay ahead by ensuring all software is up to date to address possible security flaws.

  1. Weak Password Management

Weak passwords continue to be a problem in the corporate sector. Many small firms still use default passwords or easy-to-guess password combinations. Encourage staff to use strong passwords that include upper and lowercase letters, digits, and symbols to improve security. Using a reliable password manager like 1Password provides an extra layer of protection and makes it more difficult for unauthorised parties to access sensitive data.

Web Authentication (WebAuthn) is a passwordless authentication standard that leverages public-key cryptography to enable secure logins using biometrics or security keys. Developed by the FIDO Alliance and W3C, it aims to provide enhanced security and convenience by eliminating passwords.

  1. Lack of Employee Training

Human mistake is the most common source of cybersecurity breaches. Small firms frequently fail to provide their staff with proper cybersecurity training. Staff workers may unwittingly expose the organisation to hazards if they are unaware of possible dangers and secure internet habits. Regular training sessions on phishing schemes, social engineering, and basic security procedures are essential for establishing a security culture inside the organisation.

  1. Insufficient Data Backups

Cyber assaults, in which thieves encrypt a company’s data and demand a fee for its release, are on the rise. Small firms are frequently targets of such assaults because they lack adequate data backup measures. Backing up essential data on safe, off-site storage regularly helps avoid loss and lessen the severity of ransomware attacks.

  1. No Firewall or Antivirus Protection

Small companies that do not have a strong firewall and up-to-date antivirus software are effectively leaving their digital doors wide open to cyber assaults. A dependable firewall monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic, whereas antivirus software detects and eliminates harmful malware. Investing in these security measures is critical for good cyber defence.

  1. Overlooking Mobile Device Security

With the increasing use of mobile devices for business purposes, small companies must pay attention to mobile security. Employees might store sensitive data on their smartphones or tablets, making them susceptible to theft or hacking. Implementing encryption, passcodes, and remote wiping capabilities on mobile devices can help safeguard critical information.

  1. Sharing Too Much Information Online

Many small businesses enthusiastically engage in social media and share various aspects of their operations online. However, divulging too much information can be dangerous. Cybercriminals can exploit this information to launch targeted attacks, phishing scams, or social engineering attempts. Encourage cautious sharing and educate employees about the risks of oversharing online.

  1. Ignoring Physical Security

While digital security is essential, small businesses must not forget about physical security. Leaving confidential documents in public view, not securing servers, or failing to restrict access to sensitive areas can lead to data breaches and unauthorised access. Physical security measures should complement digital security efforts.

  1. Not Having an Incident Response Plan

Despite taking preventive measures, small businesses may still encounter security incidents. With a well-defined incident response plan, they might be able to handle these situations effectively. Developing a clear protocol to respond to data breaches or cyber-attacks can significantly minimise damages and facilitate recovery.

  1. Avoiding Professional Security Services

Small businesses might view professional cybersecurity services as an unnecessary expense. However, partnering with reputable cybersecurity firms can prove invaluable in safeguarding their operations. These experts can conduct vulnerability assessments, provide continuous monitoring, and offer insights to bolster the company’s defences.

  1. Ignoring Compliance and Regulations

Many small businesses are subject to industry-specific regulations concerning data protection and cybersecurity. Ignoring these compliance requirements can lead to severe consequences, including hefty fines and reputational damage. Small businesses need to stay updated on the relevant regulations and ensure that their cybersecurity measures align with the prescribed standards.

  1. Not Restricting Employee Access

It’s important for small businesses to limit access to sensitive information based on job roles, but sometimes this can be overlooked. Granting excessive privileges to employees can increase the risk of insider threats. Adopting the code of least privilege guarantees that staffs only have a permit for the data essential for their job functions, minimising potential risks.



Small businesses must take cybersecurity seriously in today’s increasingly digital landscape. By understanding and avoiding the common mistakes mentioned above, they can better protect themselves from cyber threats. Investing in robust security measures, educating employees, and staying proactive in the face of ever-evolving threats will help small businesses build a strong cybersecurity foundation and guarantee their continued success in the long run. Prioritising cybersecurity is crucial for safeguarding sensitive data, maintaining customer trust, and preserving the company’s reputation in an increasingly interconnected world.

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