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How to Combine SEO and PR to Boost Website Traffic

How to Combine SEO and PR to Boost Website Traffic

Business owners and marketers are always on the hunt for innovative strategies to drive more traffic to their websites. So, have you ever considered the combined power of PR and SEO to achieve this? As the digital landscape evolves, the lines between traditional PR and modern SEO are blurring.

When harmoniously integrated, these two disciplines can significantly enhance your online presence, making your brand more visible and authoritative in the crowded digital space.

But what’s the secret behind their combined strength? How do they complement each other to produce results greater than the sum of their parts? Keep reading, as we delve deep into the PR and SEO and how you can leverage them combined for unmatched website traffic.

What Is PR?

PR, or Public Relations, are actions you take to manage your brand’s reputation and image. It’s all about creating content, building relationships with the media, and ensuring your brand is seen in the best light. Think press releases, events, and media coverage.

So, for your PR campaign, you could release compelling press releases that highlight your brand’s achievements or innovations. You could also launch an event that allows you to interact with your customers and enhance your company’s image.

PR is proactive. Professionals in this field are constantly forging relationships with journalists, influencers, and other media personnel. Why? To ensure that when their brand story needs to be told, thery have a listening ear. This relationship-building is crucial, as it often dictates whether a brand’s narrative gets disseminated.

With the right PR strategy, that brand narrative can get disseminated not just across traditional channels. PR services now cover digital platforms, from forums, to podcasts and even social media channels. With excellent PR, you can maximize reach and ensure your brand message gets heard by as many people as possible.

What Is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the act of making your website more visible on search engines like Google or Bing. It’s the thing that connects users with the content or products they’re seeking.

At its heart, SEO is about understanding two main entities: search engines and users.

You need to ensure search engines can easily find, crawl, and index your content. This involves optimizing your website’s content, structure, and backlinks to rank higher in search results. You’d have to consider the user experience impact on SEO as well. The pages containing your valuable content should load quickly. Plus, they should be mobile-friendly and easy to navigate for you to rank in search results.

Your content should also be relevant and valuable for users to consume it in the first place. By understanding what your audience is searching for, you can tailor your content to answer their queries, making it more likely to appear in search results.

SEO isn’t just a one-time task you check off a list. It’s an ongoing process. Search engines constantly update their algorithms, and user behaviors shift over time. This means that for a brand to stay relevant and visible, it needs to be in tune with these changes and adapt accordingly.

Understanding and navigating this diverse realm is crucial for tailoring your approach to the specific needs of your digital presence. Exploring comprehensive guides, such as this SaaS SEO guide, can provide valuable insights into the intricacies of SEO, ensuring you’re well-equipped to navigate this ever-evolving domain.

What Is SEO PR?

SEO PR is a strategic fusion of public relations and search engine optimization designed to amplify your brand’s online presence and visibility. By integrating PR’s storytelling and relationship-building prowess with SEO’s technical and analytical strengths, SEO PR allows for a holistic approach to digital marketing. This synergy ensures that a brand’s narrative not only resonates with its audience but is also easily discoverable by search engines, thereby driving organic traffic.

For instance, if a compelling press release or brand story published on a brand’s site is optimized with relevant keywords, it will rank well. Or, through PR activities, brands can earn high-quality backlinks from reputable sources, boosting, again, their search rankings. As a result of the improved visibility in both cases, these brands can enjoy higher organic traffic.  .

In essence, here are the three key ways PR benefits your SEO:

By understanding and leveraging the synergies between PR and SEO, you can unlock a world of opportunities to elevate your brand’s online presence and drive more traffic to your business website.

How to Combine SEO and PR to Increase Traffic

Now that we’ve unraveled the individual strengths of PR and SEO, let’s delve into the practical steps to fuse them together. Here are actionable ways to seamlessly integrate PR and SEO to boost website traffic.

1. Conduct Keyword Research and Optimize Your PR Content

Before you write a press release, know what keywords your audience is searching for related to your topic. You need to understand the terms and phrases your audience frequently uses to search. This will allow you to tailor your PR content accordingly later on. Ultimately, when your content aligns with popular search queries, your press release can gain visibility in search engines. As a result, you increase your chances of people going to your site.

Tools like Google Trends, SEMrush, or Ahrefs can provide insights into keyword trends. You want to aim for low-competition keywords with a high search volume.

Additionally, don’t forget to analyze your competitors. What keywords are they targeting? This can give you insights into what works in your niche and help you identify opportunities to differentiate your business.

Once you’ve done your research, create your press release. Incorporate your chosen keywords into your PR content. But make sure you avoid keyword stuffing. The recommended keyword density is 1 to 2%. So, if you have a target keyword, you include it one to two times for every 100 words in your press release.

2. Perform Technical, On-page, and Off-page SEO for PR Content Visibility

A well-optimized site ensures that any PR content is easily accessible. Users will be able to see your PR content in search engine results given a query, increasing the chances of them clicking through and going to your site.

To reap these benefits, you need to perform technical, on-page, and off-page SEO.

For technical SEO, consider site speed. Today’s users have little patience for slow-loading sites. A delay of even a few seconds can lead to lost visitors, and search engines recognize this. Optimizing images, leveraging browser caching, and reducing server response times are just a few ways to enhance loading speeds.

Next, there’s mobile optimization, another crucial aspect of technical SEO. With a significant chunk of users accessing content via mobile devices, having a mobile-responsive website is essential. So, for your site, use a responsive template to ensure it functions seamlessly across various devices, from desktops to smartphones.

A clear, logical site structure also helps search engines index your PR content efficiently. Implementing a well-thought-out hierarchy, creating a sitemap, and using internal linking strategies can make your site more navigable for both users and search engines.

The security of your website is also a crucial aspect of technical SEO. Ensuring that your site is secure with HTTPS is important for user trust and search engine rankings. Google has confirmed that HTTPS is a ranking factor, after all.

Don’t forget about schema markup either. This is a code that you put on your website to help search engines provide more informative results for users. By adding schema markup to your pages, you can enhance the way your page appears in SERPs with rich snippets, which can improve click-through rates.

Now let’s talk about on-page and off-page SEO.

On-page SEO is about crafting a seamless user experience that caters to both your audience and search engines. We’ve already talked about how you should integrate relevant keywords into your PR content. But on-page SEO is more than that. You should also create a clear PR content structure with headings and subheadings and compelling meta descriptions and alt tags.

Off-page SEO, on the other hand, focuses on building your website’s authority from the outside in. This involves strategically acquiring backlinks from reputable and relevant websites. We’ll talk about how you can acquire these backlinks through PR outreach in the next section.

3. Leverage PR Outreach for Link-Building

Link-building is where the worlds of PR and SEO most evidently collide. You can reach out to journalists and influencers for link-building opportunities as part of your off-page SEO. A strong backlink profile can help boost your visibility in search engine results.

You can do this in many ways. You can send them your newest PR content for media coverage, for example. That content should include your link. Another option is to encourage them to include your backlink if they mentioned you in their article but never linked back to you.

These backlinks drive referral traffic and bolster your site’s authority in the eyes of search engines, leading to improved rankings.

4. Publish Other High-Quality Site Content to Enhance Brand Authority

Don’t just publish press releases on your site. High-quality blog posts, reports, and case studies, among others, also capture users’ attention. As a result, search engines take notice of their value and rank them well in search engine results pages.

But that’s not all. Publishing this other high-quality content also makes for good PR.  If you post these types of content consistently, you enhance your brand reputation and authority. Journalists may even mention you for the exceptional content.

The bottom line? With these types of high-quality content, people will see you as a go-to source in your niche. They’ll visit your site to consume your content or even link to it for the best SEO and PR results.

So, make sure you provide value to readers. Don’t forget to incorporate multimedia elements like images, audio, and videos into these types of content. These elements can enhance the user experience, make your content more shareable, and improve engagement.

Also, always keep this content updated and relevant, a key principle in content marketing. The digital landscape is constantly evolving, and what resonates with your audience today may not resonate with them tomorrow. Plus, stats and other data can easily become outdated. Regularly refreshing and updating your blog posts and reports ensures that it remains relevant to your audience, further boosting your SEO and PR efforts.

You want to scale your creation of this type of content as well. If you don’t have the time to write, don’t worry. AI templates can help you effortlessly churn out these pieces of content. You can ensure the final output adheres to best practices as well, ensuring your messaging is both compelling and SEO-friendly.

5. Utilize Social Media to Promote PR Wins

Social media is a powerhouse for both PR and SEO. Sharing PR wins, media mentions, or brand stories on social platforms like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram can help you reach a lot of people. They may share these and engage in other ways with the social content.

Although social signals, like shares and likes, aren’t direct ranking factors, social media does help increase your brand’s visibility. That increases the chances of more people going to your site, which can benefit SEO. You can always hire a good SEO agency to do that for you with their professional knowledge.

Just ensure your social content aligns with your brand’s voice and message. Also, take note of audience preferences on each platform. For instance, Instagram is a visual platform. So, you might want accompanying visuals with your copy.

As a final tip, engage with your audience on social platforms. It can lead to more organic brand mentions and backlinks.

Measuring SEO PR Activity

As with any strategy, measuring and analyzing results is crucial. Tracking some key metrics allows you to gauge the impact of your combined SEO PR efforts.

Here are some metrics that are worth tracking:

Tools like Google Analytics and Search Console provide invaluable insights into how your audience interacts with your content. Are certain PR campaigns driving more organic traffic? Are media mentions leading to valuable backlinks?

If you regularly assess these metrics, you can refine your whole digital marketing strategy, ensuring the best results from your PR and SEO efforts. For those in a highly competitive industry like online software, contact a professional B2B SaaS SEO agency so they can make the needed strategy adjustments. Going at it alone in this field is very hard.


Now you understand what PR and SEO are and how their combined force can supercharge the visibility and authority of your website. Implementing strategies that leverage both will set your brand up for online success.

You learned how to combine SEO and PR to boost website traffic.

Conduct thorough keyword research and optimize your press releases. Perform technical, on-page, and off-page SEO to ensure your PR content’s visibility. You can leverage PR outreach to generate valuable backlinks.

Don’t forget to publish high-quality content that engages to enhance your brand authority. Also, harness the power of social media to promote your PR wins and amplify your reach.

As a final tip, consistently measure your SEO and PR efforts to refine and adapt.

Are you ready to skyrocket your website traffic? Use this post as your guide, and let PR and SEO work wonders for you!

By Chris Norton, host of the UK’s 7th largest marketing podcast, Socially Unacceptable, and Founder of award-winning B2C specialist PR agency Prohibition. His social media training blog is listed in the UK’s top 10 PR blogs. For tons of digital PR tips, you can follow Chris here @chris_norton.

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