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Using Pop-Up Videos for Product Demos: Showcasing Features and Benefits

Using Pop-Up Videos for Product Demos: Showcasing Features and Benefits

Releasing new product features should always be supported with more efforts from the marketing side. Otherwise, how will people know that you have prepared something new? One of the most effective ways to showcase new features and their benefits is to implement a pop up video on the website.

It is likely that after reading this, you think that using pop-ups annoys users. And in fact, they can work like that if not created properly. However, the statistics show that some pop-up messages can generate even a 50.2% conversion rate, while on average, they bring a 9.28% conversion rate.

In this article, we will look closer at the pop-up video ideas for introducing new features and showing their benefits.

What Is a Pop-Up Video, and How Does It Work?

A pop-up video is a video that appears on the website while users are exploring it. Such a video can pop up at different places on the page after visitors take certain actions. These interactive elements can cover the whole screen or a certain spot.

A video pop-up engages users in the way that it shows the information website owners want to share. This strategy is perfect for:

However, while serving many purposes, pop-up videos can be intrusive if not created properly. For example, if you add too many videos, make a closing button hard to find, or just don’t cover useful and new information for a visitor.

Why Pop-Up Video Is Effective

Video is one of the most successful marketing instruments. This statement is proved by the percentage of customers convinced to buy a product based on the video advertising and demonstration. Imagine that 84% of people searching through the website decided to place an order because of the brand’s video. On top of that fact, there are many other reasons to consider creating pop-up videos for new feature demonstrations:

How to Create a Powerful Pop-Up Video

A great deal of the success of pop-up videos depends on how they are created. It is crucial to understand that implementing a video on your website is not about posting any videos about the product’s new features and benefits. Since this material will be viewed by the majority of your website’s visitors, it should be well-planned. Take these steps to create a pop-up video to make customers purchase your product.

Set Up a Clear Goal

No doubt you want to educate new users about your offerings. But what should they do after they watch your video? Should they subscribe to your newsletters? Or submit a demo request form? Or just be aware that there are new features and go on browsing the website? Defining what purpose the video should fulfill is essential before its creation.

Learn More About Your Audience

Before the creation part, ask yourself some questions about the audience that will watch your pop-up. Are they familiar with your brand? What are this audience’s needs and pains? How long should the video be to keep the customers engaged? Answering those questions will help you narrow the video’s content and ideas.

Define Your Budget and Who Will Make Your Video

Even though a short pop-up video doesn’t sound like a pricey idea, it can still take a lot out of your finances. The resources say that the cost of a promo video can range from $1,000 to $50,000. And depending on your budget size, you will figure out who will perform the video: an agency or your team. Even if you are limited in resources, thanks to modern technologies, it is possible to create a work of art with a smartphone.

Prepare a Script

Even though your pop-up video will last several minutes, it should have a pre-planned tone, message, and structure. While writing a script, you must create an outline and a scenario. Once you are ready with that, do a verbal run-through off-camera, as it will help you improve the script before shooting it.

Final Words

Pop-up videos can be a perfect instrument for promoting new features on your platform. They are short, concise, and attention-grabbing. Pop-ups will work effectively if you dedicate time to their proper design. And even with a small budget, you can make a pop-up video to increase conversions and sales.

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