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How To Get Your Blog Posts More Noticed

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Congratulations! You just became a blogger and already have your first few pieces written. You check your blog’s stats to see how many readers have stopped in to take a peek and how it’s related to your conversion rates. Your readership is very low.

So what do you do? You start pondering ways to get your blog posts more noticed.

There are many tactics to achieve this pivotal business goal, especially as you are starting. Buckle up, newbie! We are going to take you on a ride-along! Even if you have been publishing blog posts for some time and still need help getting more exposure, let’s welcome the expert blog posters, too!

Use Internal and External Links

Incorporating internal and external links raises your blog posts higher in the rankings on Google as the search engine gets a better idea of the content you are presenting. Linking to your other blog posts (internal linking) will help Google understand your blog better so that it ranks higher in searches as more readers are exposed to it.

External links, which are sources outside of your website, link your website’s niche to the top organizations in your niche. Hence, as Google sees you are linking to the highest quality of sources, they will rank you accordingly much better than only if you use internal linking. Plus, external linking tells Google that your blog is relevant to what people are searching for in keywords related to your niche.

Build Your Email List

Interested readers will want to come back to read more as you update your blog. Have an email bar at the bottom of your webpage for people to sign up for your email list. Have a page that’s titled something like “Stay Connected” and have another email bar for people to sign up for your email list there as well.

For each of your blog posts, set a call-to-action that has an internal link to your “Stay Connected” page where new visitors can sign up for the email list to get updated on content. Include your contact information such as phone number, email, and physical address (if applicable) on this “Stay Connected” to make the page fuller and more professional.

Write Guest Posts for Other Blogs

When just starting, it’s challenging to build your readership base. One way you can do that is by writing guest posts for another blog related to your niche. While they eventually will become your competitor, this is still a great way to get your blog noticed. If the people who view that blog you write guest posts for trust it, then they will grow to trust you and your blog as well because of you being a guest contributor on the other blog.

Say that your blog is about reviewing roulette games on different online casinos. Find another blog that reviews casino content as well. Reach out to the blog’s owner to ask if you can be a guest contributor. Show the owner your blog posts that have topics such as the odds of playing and winning roulette, the main strategies when playing roulette, and the history of roulette.

To get ready for your guest article, test the roulette games yourself on these online casinos. If you do not want to play for real money, you can do a practice run on the simulation mode and still get the same experience on which roulette games payout the best. Then, once you’ve collected all your data, you can write your guest piece.

Link Your Blog Post To Your Social Media Pages

Make a page for your blog: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest are great ones to start on. Include a link to your most recent blog post and release an update on all those platforms. If your current readers love your post enough, they may share it with other friends and family members also interested in your blog’s niche.

Use hashtags to bring readers who are searching these keywords to the shared post advertising your most recent blog update. Without the hashtags, the social media post update will just sit there with not as much engagement as it could potentially get.

As you continually share links to your blog posts on your blog’s social media pages, take a look at the conversation rates. Over time, you will see the number of times it was read increase as well as how many sources brought readers from one website to your blog.

Write the Best Content Possible

Search for your niche of the top blog topics on a Google search. Make note of these topics that come up at the top of your Google search. Generate topic ideas of your own based on the ones you view at the top of a Google search of your blog’s niche.

Put yourself in the reader’s shoes. Ask yourself these questions:


It takes a lot of gusto and determination to keep on top of a new venture, including running a blog. Use these tactics to get the ball rolling on finding what works best for your blog to get it more noticed amongst readers. Social media and being a guest contributor on another blog are key ways to get your blog more noticed online.

As you work with more people in your niche’s industry, it will have readers build trust in you if you are allied with some of the best names in that niche. Brainstorm your next blog post and don’t forget internal and external links!

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