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Do You Need to Invest in Developing a Custom Design for an Online Store in 2023?

Online business

Why is eCommerce website development gaining such popularity?

eCommerce websites have witnessed a tremendous surge in popularity due to various factors. The convenience they offer is a major draw, as shoppers can effortlessly browse and purchase products from the comfort of their own homes or while on the go. This 24/7 accessibility caters to busy individuals seeking time-efficient shopping experiences.

Moreover, eCommerce platforms boast an extensive range of products, allowing customers to explore diverse options that may not be readily available in local stores. This wide selection empowers shoppers to find unique or niche items that align with their preferences.

Competitive pricing is another significant factor driving the popularity of eCommerce. Online retailers often have lower overhead costs than brick-and-mortar stores, enabling them to offer attractive prices. Additionally, frequent promotions, discounts, and flash sales make online shopping appealing to price-conscious consumers.

The ability to compare products, prices, features, and customer reviews across different sellers and brands is a key advantage of eCommerce. Shoppers can make well-informed decisions and find the best value for their money, thanks to the transparency provided by these platforms.

Furthermore, eCommerce websites employ personalized recommendation engines that enhance the shopping experience. By analyzing user data and purchase history, these systems suggest relevant products, increasing the likelihood of additional purchases and customer satisfaction.

Secure payment gateways and streamlined transactions have significantly contributed to the rise of eCommerce. Online platforms offer various payment options and ensure secure transactions, building trust and confidence among shoppers.

Improved logistics and fulfillment services have also played a vital role in the popularity of eCommerce. Faster and reliable shipping, coupled with hassle-free return policies, have eliminated many of the barriers associated with online shopping, further bolstering customer trust.

The global reach of eCommerce has opened new markets for businesses and provided consumers with access to products from around the world. This expanded reach benefits both buyers and sellers, fostering cross-border trade.

Social media and influencer marketing have further fuelled the growth of eCommerce. Brands leverage social media platforms and influencers to engage with their target audience, showcase products, and drive traffic to their online stores.

When venturing into the realm of e-commerce, it’s paramount to invest in developing a custom design for your online store that functions as a digital “wanted sign“. A carefully crafted design not only captures the attention of potential customers but also serves as a visual beacon, signaling the uniqueness and desirability of your brand. By prioritizing a distinctive online presence, you create a virtual storefront that invites exploration and sets your business apart in the competitive online landscape.

Custom web design vs template

The reason why template-based websites underperform is that they often fall short in delivering the desired outcome due to the utilization of visual builders instead of proper code.

Visual builders enable freelancers or agencies to expedite the process by simply dragging and dropping predefined blocks into place. It’s akin to playing the game of Tetris, where you fit the pieces together to form a website. This approach allows for speedy creation, but it sacrifices the use of proper coding techniques.

The problem arises when the website needs to be rendered correctly across various devices, such as mobile phones, desktops, laptops, and tablets. Proper coding ensures that the website expands and adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes. However, template-built websites using visual builders often face a setback—they take significantly longer, around 11 to 14 times, to load on all devices compared to custom-built websites.

This delay in loading time can have a negative impact, especially considering that Google considers website upload speed as a key ranking factor. When people search for products or services similar to what your business offers, Google tends to prioritize custom-built websites over template-built ones. So, if your website is template-based, it’s unlikely to rank higher than a custom-built site in Google’s search results.

By opting for a custom-built website, you ensure that it is meticulously crafted to meet your specific requirements. This approach allows for cleaner code, optimal performance, and faster loading times across devices. Ultimately, a custom-built website increases your chances of achieving higher search rankings and delivering an exceptional user experience.

Responsive web design to Rank Higher on Google?

When new clients approach us, almost everybody wants a mobile version of their website. According to Statista, mobile phones and tablets are responsible for almost 49% of global internet usage. Custom responsive web design (RWD) services are the way users engage with your website on a wide range of devices. RWD enables the appearance of a website to adapt to the screen size and orientation of the device being used to view it. One design that changes depending on RWD is devices available to customers. Importance of responsive web design lies in its word-combination. Appearance of a website responds to the viewers’ technical capabilities ranging from tiny phones to huge desktop monitors.

From a technical perspective, RWD meaning based on so-called breakpoints that determine how the layout of a site will appear: above a breakpoint or below that breakpoint. Which depends on the width of the browser. A three-column desktop design may reshuffle to two columns for a tablet and a single column for a smartphone.

Responsive design features

The RWD practice consists of a blend of fluid grids and layouts, intelligent use of CSS and flexible images. It contributes to page speed, which also results in better SEO, ranking, and higher conversion. As the user switches between his laptop to iPhone, the responsive site should automatically accommodate for resolution, image size, and scripting abilities. It also shouldn’t block the users’ access to the page if they have a VPN activated.

What should your online store look like in 2023?

Based on the information we discussed earlier, there are several key factors to create an efficient online store. Let’s review and refine them:

– User-Friendly Design: The ecommerce website should have an intuitive and user-friendly interface that makes navigation easy for visitors. Clear and logical menus, prominent search functionality, and well-organized product categories contribute to a positive user experience.

– Responsive and Mobile-Friendly: With the increasing use of mobile devices for online shopping, it is crucial to ensure that your online store is fully responsive and optimized for mobile viewing. The website should adapt seamlessly to various screen sizes and provide a smooth browsing and purchasing experience on smartphones and tablets.

– Fast Loading Speed: Slow-loading websites can lead to higher bounce rates and lost sales opportunities. Optimize your online store by minimizing unnecessary scripts, optimizing images, and utilizing caching techniques to ensure fast loading times across different devices and internet connections.

– Streamlined Checkout Process: Simplify the checkout process to reduce cart abandonment. Provide a guest checkout option, minimize the number of form fields required, and offer various secure payment options to cater to customer preferences. Clear progress indicators and the ability to edit cart contents contribute to a smooth and frictionless checkout experience.

– High-Quality Product Images and Descriptions: Showcase your products with high-resolution images from multiple angles and provide detailed and accurate descriptions. This helps customers make informed purchasing decisions and reduces the likelihood of returns or dissatisfaction.

– Trust and Security: Establish trust and credibility by prominently displaying trust badges, security seals, customer reviews, and testimonials. Ensure that your website uses SSL encryption to secure customer data and transactions.

– Personalization and Recommendation Features: Implement personalized product recommendations based on customer browsing and purchasing history. Use machine learning algorithms to suggest related products or upsell/cross-sell items, enhancing the customer shopping experience and increasing average order value.

– Customer Reviews and Ratings: Incorporate a review and rating system for products, as social proof significantly influences purchase decisions. Enable customers to leave reviews and ratings, and prominently display them on product pages to build trust and credibility.

– Robust Search Functionality: Implement a powerful search feature that allows customers to find products quickly and accurately. Include filters, sorting options, and advanced search capabilities to enhance the browsing experience and help customers discover relevant products efficiently.

– Integration with Analytics and Marketing Tools: Integrate your online store with analytics platforms (e.g., Google Analytics) to track website performance, customer behavior, and conversion rates. Utilize marketing tools such as email marketing software, social media integration, and abandoned cart recovery to engage customers and drive repeat purchases.

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